Tag: community organizing

“I am more than a slave.”
By Katherine Nasol, ’15 (International Relations)
“I am more than a slave.” A year ago, I spoke with a Filipina teacher who was trafficked to work in a small private day care near Washington DC. She and many others were illegally recruited from the Philippines, coerced to live in cramped quarters, and trapped in a cycle of debt bondage. She said these exact words to describe her current experience in the US.
Her story is not uncommon, as many migrant workers have left because of inequality and lack of employment in their home countries. When many migrants come to their destination, they are met with discriminatory laws that abuse and exploit them and their families. Although this phenomenon is happening globally, there are also many migrant workers who are speaking up and mobilizing against oppressive policies and conditions. I have had the privilege to learn and work with migrant community organizers both here in my home in the Bay Area and internationally. By organizing with grassroots groups and seeing them push for change day by day, I have learned that justice can only be achieved by those who are affected themselves.